Our Schedule is fluid and changes with the Moon Cycle
Our schedule is updated every New Moon - not every class is offered every Moon Cycle - this is just a sample of what you may find. Please check the Punchpass Tab to see current offerings. Check availability using sign-up link to the right.
Please be sure to check dates before selecting these options!

All levels. New to yoga - this class is perfect for you to learn basic postures and solid alignment. Experienced yogis - explore the subtleties available in a slower paced class. See schedule for availability.

Power Vinyasa Flow
For the athletically inclined. No yoga experience necessary. A vigorous practice aligning movement with the breath to cultivate strength, flexibility and stamina so movement becomes meditation. Come prepared to sweat! See schedule for availability.

Chair Yoga for EveryBody
A gentle - but fun! - practice appropriate for people of all abilities. Chairs will be used, with the option of finishing the practice on the floor. See schedule for availability.

Feel Good Yoga
All levels. The name says it all. The only objective for this class is to Feel Good. Gentle bordering on Restorative - we may not even get up from our mats. See schedule for availability.

Hot Yoga
An all levels Flow Class in the River Studio - with the heat and humidity blasting! Stretch those gooey loose muscles in the heat! Get your Sweat On and feel like you've done a thing!! :-) Bring water to drink and a towel to mop the sweat from your face.
See schedule for availability

Sunday Sun Salutations
All Levels. Perfect for a Sunday morning. Kiss the Sun, Bow to the Earth, and follow your breath. Practice Sun Salutations - with variations - facing East overlooking the River. Options will be available for those seeking a more gentle practice AS WELL AS for those seeking a more rigorous practice.
See schedule for availabilty